
10 Frequently Asked Questions

A: Your questions are important. There are two ways to get your Answer.

  1. Do you believe your Question is a Question that could be valuable for our Diagnostica community? Yes, then you can go to our Forum Page and add your Support Query there. Our Forum is constantly monitored, and your Question could become a Blog to help others. There are a few simple rules to follow, namely;
    1. Please be kind and do not use profanity or be rude to us or our community, or use links to content that is not associated to Diagnostica,
    2. Do not display private or personal information. Our Forum is for everyone, and everyone will see your personal details, and
    3. We do not necessarily agree with all the information our community may enter into the forum and so you need to filter what is right and worthwhile for you.
  2. Is your question personal or you feel should not be shared with other? Yes, then the second way to get our attention and response, is to use the Contact Us form. This is regularly monitored, and we will respond as soon as we possibly can.

A: Don’t panic. Your data is safe and secure. Just uninstall your App and reinstall it. Your credentials will let you back in and your data will reappear. If this doesn’t work, then Contact Us and let us know what phone and operating system you are using so we can address the issue.

A: On the Home Page of this website is a simple set of instructions as to how to create your account. There is also a simple video showing how the Diagnostica App can be used.

A: Please Contact Us to setup a conversation.

A: Our AI will be released soon. It is driven by real data and so we are testing it to make sure it is delivering accurate and useful Diagnoses before we launch it. You also don’t need to worry if your data has been previously entered, our AI will use all your data to give you a personal Dagnosis.

Please also refer to our website for the next launches. When we upgrade our Diagnostica App, your version on your smart phone will also update.

A: We are working with experts to help launch the other joint conditions. Please refer to our website for the next launches. When we upgrade our Diagnostica App, your version on your smart phone will also update.

A: At the bottom of your Home Page, after you login, you will see a horizontal scrolling list of all your previous and recent entries.

A: Absolutely. This is your data, and you can delete at any stage and for any reason. If you do delete your record, the data is deleted permanently. If you reinstall the Diagnostica App, then all new entries will be new and none of the all data will be recalled.

A: The only mandatory fields are, Your First and Last Names, Your Mobile so we can perform 2 factor authentication with you, your Email which will be used as your login credential, and your Password. All other fields are optional. In addition, the Images and certain PROMs (Patient Reported Outcome Measures or simply, Surveys) are mandatory. The Diagnostica App will let you know what PROMs are mandatory for which joint condition.

A: Absolutely. Please feel free to approach your Doctor to ask them if they would like to join the Diagnostica clinician community.

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